This service is for young people aged 11yrs up to the 18th birthday. All counselling sessions are 50 minutes face2face.
Counselling is 1-2-1 but can be in small groups at times. Children and young people must have a responsible adult to accompany them to and from the counselling sessions. Parents can wait in the Waiting Area or return at the end of the session. This will help ensure a smoother handing over at the beginning and end of each session.
The information young people share (and their process) is confidential unless a) they choose to reveal that information with others, or b) if there is an element of harm or risk to themselves, others or the building. Should this occur, the Counsellor will discuss the concern sensitively, outline the responsibility and duty of care in the way that data is shared with third parties.
If you need someone to talk to, or worried about your friend or family, then contact our team on:
E: counselling@facettherapy.co.uk
T: 07930304495
It takes 4 steps to start changing your life!
- If you are worried about your mental health and well-being, make the choice to change.
- Call or email us to book an appointment.
- Speak with someone in confidence.
- Make the commitment to access help & support to improve your overall well-being
Other places of support:
NHS -111
Crime Stoppers
This period in life can be very difficult, and some people can feel a range of emotions: loneliness, feel withdrawn, angry, stressed, fed up, especially if they feel adults don’t understand. Here are some discussion points you may want to talk about….
Discussion Points
- My parents divorced / separated
- Relationship problems
- Sexual health and well being
- Doing exams and leaving school / home
- I hate school or school phobic
- I have no confidence and my self-esteem is low
- My friends think I drink too much
- I am bullied or used to get bullied because I am different
- Someone is hurting me / I'm hurting someone
- Teenage parent
- I feel angry all the time / I need to control temper
- Self-harming
- Someone close to me died
Info 4 Parents of Young People
Information for parents of young people accessing counselling
We would like to parents to remember it takes time for young people to connect and build a relationship with adults. Counselling is no different. Young people must be given the time and respect to connect with the Counsellor or Therapist. They have to build trust and a relatedness that they can allow for this process to emerge.
Challenging behaviours may be displayed during this process of therapeutic change, especially when the body and mind go into overdrive as it learns to copes with physical and psychological changes.
We urge parents to continue to support their child at this time - be patience, understanding, show you care and remaining empathic are great tools to helping all aged children. There are no magic cures, but the young person must commit to this process and want to change before they can reach out and have healthier experiences with their family and friends.
For some young people who display more risky or harmful behaviours, they may be experiencing anxiety, depression or low mood, anger or suicidal ideations, or need more life support. These feelings can seem worse when young people believe adults do not understand them. It is during these times adults must become more empathic rather than show confronting behaviours. Some behaviours can be perceived as ‘odd’, ‘scary’, ‘defiant’. An initial exploration with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS) can help to understand the causes around the behaviours and can help to clarify whether there are any underlying mental health or medical disorders.
If there are concerns and you are not able to wait for the intervention from the CAMHS Team, then please get in touch and we can direct you to a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist who can support you with the right medical intervention or treatment programme appropriate for your child.
A Rule for Parents & Young People - Two lions squaring up to each other will appear as a challenge.
Remember instinctual behaviours kick in for fight, flight or freeze responses. Therefore, we need to listen more and argue less. Hear what each other is saying or wanting or needing at that moment. It can make a difference of being heard or having another ‘fight’.
It is important for families to understand the level of confidentiality when working together. If any information (data) is shared to the Practitioner regarding the level of risk, harm or danger to clients, the Practitioner has an ethical duty of care to keep everyone as safe. They must be sensitive and conscientious in how that information is shared.